Art Points FAQ

What are Art Points?

Art Points are a reward system designed to incentivize engagement within the digital art ecosystem. They are earned through various activities such as paying royalties, holding art tokens, and participating in community initiatives.

How can I earn Art Points?

You can earn Art Points through several activities:

  • Paying royalties when selling digital art.

  • Buying listings that include royalty payments.

  • Holding art tokens for extended periods.

  • Minting new digital art (soon).

  • Participating in digital art loans through Gondi.

  • Sweeping floors (purchasing multiple pieces to support the market, soon).

  • Engaging in specific earning campaigns and applying multipliers (soon).

Here you can find a list of collections that generate Art Points. However, additional earning campaigns will be available for more collections.

What activities provide the most Art Points?

Paying royalties and holding art tokens for extended periods are among the activities that provide the most Art Points. Additionally, using the Artacle marketplace and participating in special earning campaigns can yield significant points.

Can I lose Art Points?

Art Points are not lost unless the activities involved are deemed as wash trading or manipulative behaviors that do not contribute to the market's growth. The Artacle marketplace has controls in place to ensure that points are earned through legitimate and meaningful engagements.

Art Points can also be lost if you haven't claimed them on time.

How do I claim my Art Points?

The claiming process is straightforward. You only need to do it once after the initial airdrop to confirm your participation. After that, new Art Points will be earned automatically without any further claiming required. See Claiming for concrete steps.

How are Art Points used within the digital art ecosystem?

We're working on the following use cases for Art Points:

  • Gaining Artacle PRO membership.

  • Accessing exclusive digital artworks.

  • Receiving whitelist access to new digital art collections.

  • Obtaining grants for digital art projects.

  • Joining private chats with artists and collectors.

What is Artacle PRO, and how do Art Points relate to it?

Artacle PRO is a subscription-based service offering advanced analytical functions, and market insights. Collectors will be able to use Art Points to subscribe to Artacle PRO, which helps them make informed decisions and develop effective collecting strategies.

How are Art Points calculated for each transaction?

For initial earning, listing sellers receive 90% of the Art Points from a transaction, and listing buyers receive 10%. Post-launch, the distribution initially was 75% for listing sellers and 25% for listing buyers. However, these values will dynamically change. And now sellers get 25%, whereas buyers get 75%. Offer acceptors earn 100% of Art Points from a transaction. There are additional bonuses for using the Artacle marketplace and other factors such as being an Artacle OG or Artacle PRO member.

What bonuses or multipliers can enhance the earning of Art Points?

Several bonuses and multipliers can enhance Art Point earnings, such as:

  • Artacle OG boost: +15%.

  • Using Artacle marketplace: +30%.

  • Artacle PRO membership: +20%.

  • Using an Artacle email account: +5%.

Are there any thresholds or conditions for earning Art Points?

Yes, for the initial airdrop, royalties paid must be greater than 0.5% of the listing price. Post-launch, the condition is that royalties paid must be at least 50% of the recommended amount. These thresholds ensure that only meaningful transactions contribute to the earning of Art Points.

How does the inclusion in ARTCL indices affect Art Point earnings?

Limiting Art Point earnings to digital art collections listed in the ARTCL indices helps manage market saturation and ensures that only high-quality collections are rewarded. However, additional earning campaigns will be available for collections not included in the indices.

Last updated

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